Lost and Found Architects Practice LTD are members of the Passivhaus Trust UK. Andy Thomas is a Certified Passivhaus Designer and is a member of iPHA, the International Passive House Association.
What is Passivhaus? Or Passive House?
Buildings are a significant culprit of carbon emissions – accountable for 35% of total global energy consumption.
Backed with over 30 years of international evidence, Passivhaus is a tried & tested solution that gives us a range of proven approaches to deliver net-zero ready new and existing buildings optimised for a decarbonised grid and augmented for occupant health and wellbeing.
Passivhaus buildings provide a high level of occupant comfort using very little energy for heating and cooling.
Passivhaus adopts a whole-building approach with clear, measured targets, focused on high-quality construction, certified through an exacting quality assurance process. For more on why adopting an efficient first approach is crucial to meeting carbon targets.
EnerPHit is a slightly relaxed standard for retrofit projects, where the existing architecture and conservation issues mean that meeting the Passivhaus standard is not feasible.
Source: http://www.passivhaustrust.org.uk
Please get in touch if you wish to know more about how we can help you with your Passivehaus project.
And do watch this very brilliant clip below, produced by Hans-Jörn Eich….. which explains the concept in just 90 seconds.